Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Buy Japanese Flashcards

Here flashcards are available for all levels of Japanese (including no level at all!)! They are available for a small price, and they really do help!
Currently, these are what's offered:
50 blank flash cards (and a ring) - $1
Hiragana - $3
Katakana - $3
Kanji (for any chapter) - $3
Collected Radicals - $3
Vocab (for any chapter of Yookoso 1 or 2) - $4
Custom Deck -

**special add-ons - For $1 more, any deck can be printed in romaji (roman characters instead of Japanese characters)

Please see the footer for more information

Leave a comment below in the following format (using the numbers please):
1. Name
2. What flash cards you want (if you ordered a custom deck, you should still place a comment to notify me of your order.)
3. If you would like to have them printed in romaji.
4. Place I can find you on Monday morning.

Thank you,

All orders will be served by the following Monday (and flashcards will only be delivered on Mondays). Flashcards ordered over the weekend will not be delivered until the Monday after the following week. Flashcards will not be sold during Finals nor the week before. Orders must not be larger than 2 decks at once.